“Membership in AOSA provides me the opportunity to apply for multiple grants and scholarships. AOSA helps support continued teacher education, providing instruments for schools in need, as well as many other project opportunities.”
Nicole Chapman
“AOSA is valuable to me because it has allowed me to develop my skill set, knowledge, performance, and confidence as a music educator. I am not sure this would have happened so quickly in my career (as I am only a 3rd year teacher) without the American Orff-Schulwerk Association.”
Meaghan Dunham
“Being a member of AOSA provides me with bargain prices on many regional and national conventions featuring expert Orff teachers and presenters.”
Beth Ackerson
“Membership in AOSA provides me a wonderful community of music teachers, professional development opportunities with national and international clinicians that inspire and motivate me, and access to current research in music education.”
Kathy Hummel
“Membership in AOSA allows me access to an invaluable Professional Learning Community. In this climate of high stakes testing and data driven decision making, it is good to keep in constant contact with the humanity and child-centric goals of the Schulwerk. The isolation of teaching music can be daunting, but membership in AOSA keeps me energized and focused on the critical role music plays in every child’s life.”
Jennifer Sullivan
“Membership in AOSA is valuable to me because this is the organization that supports what I believe; the Orff Approach is the best way to deliver instruction in the general music classroom.”
Sheila Buck
“AOSA connects me with thoughtful, dedicated, creative music educators around the country… community of colleagues to share ideas, challenge one another and support one another.”
Roxanne Dixon
“AOSA helps me maintain connections with other Orff teachers; having the opportunity to collaborate with them in a field where colleagues may be few and far between is invaluable.”
Beth Ackerson
“Membership in AOSA allows me to stay connected and professionally invigorated through excellent professional development and community. Although I am the only elementary general music teacher in my small district, I have my AOSA community!”
Roxanne Dixon
“How cool is it to be with thousands of other people who believe that what you do has value! That’s what happens when you go to AOSA conference! Whether we see our students every day or once a week; whether we have 18 Kindergarteners or 47 in a class; whether we teach in Texas or Tennessee…we all have a wonderful commonality…Orff Schulwerk. And that gives us the opportunity to share ideas and experiences that build on the quality of our teaching. This is what AOSA has done and continues to do for me!”
Kathy Draves
“AOSA is valuable to me because of the nationwide network of passionate music educators I am connected with, plus an amazing group of lifelong friends. Membership in AOSA allows me to attend an annual conference with nationally and internationally known clinicians that I would no have the opportunity to learn from at the state level.”
Billy Ferguson
“Membership in AOSA provides me many resources to help support my classroom. AOSA provides me with The Orff Echo publication containing scholarly and research articles. Membership in AOSA also gives me access to an on-line publication, Reverberations which contains teaching resources as well as news relating to Orff-Schulwerk.”
Nicole Chapman
“AOSA is filled with smart, open, creative, caring and energetic music education professionals who inspire me to be my best.”
Roxanne Dixon
“AOSA is valuable to me because it fully supports my philosophy of teaching. In providing quality professional development to so many across the states, the national annual conference also allows us to gather and share our own experiences. This has been one of the most valuable experiences as a member of AOSA. I have gathered many ideas and concepts through discourse with members from other parts of the country at conference and this was all made possible by membership through AOSA.”
Kathy Draves
“Benefits like local chapter workshops, the amazing national conference, The Orff Echo, and training scholarship funds make AOSA membership a must for me as a music educator.”
Roxanne Dixon
“Membership in AOSA provides me the opportunity to network with other educators from around the country. That opportunity to network is also reinforced at the amazing professional development conference that AOSA has every November.”
Nicole Chapman
“Benefits like local chapter workshops, the amazing national conference, The Orff Echo, and training scholarship funds make AOSA membership a must for me as a music educator.”
Roxanne Dixon