Thank you for your interest in supporting the American Orff-Schulwerk Association! AOSA has tried to make giving as easy, convenient and secure as possible. All donations are tax deductible.
Online donations to AOSA may be directed toward the Annual Fund, or to one or more of the scholarships or grants within the Endowment Fund. When you get to the donation form page, just type in the desired amount in the text box next to the dollar sign, and then click the submit button. You will be sent to a secure server, where you can verify your donation and fill in the necessary information.
The Annual Fund
AOSA Annual Fund helps AOSA pay its bills. Membership dues only cover one third of AOSA’s operating costs. The Annual Fund bridges the difference between revenue earned from dues, conference registrations, sales, and investment interest and the expenses of AOSA’s work over the course of the year. Your contribution to the Annual Fund allows AOSA to create publications like Reverberations and The Orff Echo, provide for website development, and pay for the telephones at headquarters.
The Endowment Fund
AOSA Endowment Funds provide the capital necessary to ensure the well-being of AOSA in the future, so children will continue to benefit from Orff Schulwerk. All of AOSA’s endowed funds are encumbered, which means that we preserve the principle of these investments, spending only the interest. Click here for more information on scholarships and funds located in the AOSA endowment portfolio.
Log into the AOSA Portal then click MAKE a GIFT on the dashboard to ensure your receipt is attached to your member profile.
AOSA Donation Form
Donate to AOSA with PayPal
The Wildflower Legacy recognizes and honors those who include AOSA in their estate plans. It gives us the opportunity to thank people who are planning for AOSA with these thoughtful and generous gifts. For more information contact the Executive Director or call (440) 600-7329.