AOSA supports members through online learning opportunities:

  • Professional Learning Networks offer AOSA members access to Orff Schulwerk Master Educators in a multi-session format including learning and discussion on topics important to today’s Orff educator. These multi-session PLNs give educators an opportunity to connect, communicate, and collaborate across technology taking deep dives into concepts and ideas important to Orff Schulwerk and music education. Offered as live events at scheduled times, all virtual events are also recorded for future review. PLN’s  are archived in the AOSA Resource Library. You can browse the listings and read descriptions by clicking Professional Learning Network in the Resource Type search field on the library landing page. Member log in is necessary to open the pages and view the recordings.
  • Independent Study Units based on videos, articles, and lesson ideas from the AOSA Resource Library offer members the opportunity for independent study and are eligible for CE or graduate credit. You can browse the study unit options on the Independent Study Unit page. Member log in is necessary to access ISU content pages.
  • The Digital Mentorship Program pairs experienced Orff Schulwerk teachers (mentors) with newly trained Orff Schulwerk teachers or teacher educators (mentees) for the purpose of improving the practice of those who request mentorship. AOSA members with at least one year of teaching experience and who have completed an AOSA approved Teacher Education Course (Level I, II, or III) may apply for the Digital Mentorship Program.