FORUM RESONANCES Discovering the wildflower – March 27th

How Orff-Schulwerk uses culturally specific ideas

Date: March 27th 9:00 – 12:00 CET and repeated at 18:00 – 21:00 CET

Join us for the next Forum Resonances where we will explore how Orff-Schulwerk uses culturally specific ideas in a session titled “Discovering the Wildflower.” Orff-Schulwerk educators from Australia, Ghana, Iceland, New Zealand and Singapore will join together to discuss how they have adapted their process to include repertoire which is specific to their culture. Examples of repertoire will be shared with participants where appropriate and an open discussion/question time will follow.

Virginia Esparraga and Kirrabelle Lovell will start the Forum Resonances with a come together. Also included is a snapshot from the six Australian Orff-Schulwerk associations and an update of the Study Texts II by Barbara Haselbach.

Thanks to ANCOS for organizing this event and to all contributors.